Maximizing Revenue,
Simplifying Billing Processes

Green Mountain Anesthesia Solutions boosts revenue by 13% on average with expert anesthesia billing, letting you focus on patient care.

Green Mountain Anesthesia Solutions (GAS) provides professional anesthesia billing services for both privately owned anesthesia practices and hospital/health system owned anesthesia practices.  Our clients include physician only practices, CRNA/AA only practices, and Anesthesia Care Team model practices. 

If you are looking to maximize your practice’s revenue, please contact us today at for a consultation.  We will provide you with a revenue projection free of charge.

Anesthesia practices come in many different organizational/ownership structures and sizes.  Some practices simply aren’t large enough to afford their own internal business office, and therefore outsource many non-clinical functions of the practice.  Some practices might be large multi-specialty practices and lack the anesthesia industry expertise to bill anesthesia effectively.  We exist to partner with your organization, regardless of size or structure, to take the business side of anesthesia off your plate and allow you to concentrate on your clinical practice.  We have a proven track record of maximizing anesthesia revenue for our clients, averaging 13% increased collections in the first, full year of service.

Our Services

GAS will take all the burdens of billing for your anesthesia services off of your shoulders.  We will take care of everything from start to finish, including: 

Get Started Today with a Free Consultation

Maximize your anesthesia practice’s revenue and streamline your billing process. Contact us today for a free revenue projection and see how we can help you grow.